Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Famed model finally graduating?

The rumors are true- Mr. D to the sexy Trotter is finally graduating. The little bundle of spice is finally leaving the college after 5 and a half years. He will truly be missed like Star Jones misses her fat.
Seen this weekend at Liquor and Lingerie, looking FIERCE, and dancing with whores Emily, Jami, and Rhyanne (who couldn't keep their hands off him), Mr D to the Sexy was the one to watch. In skimpy underwear, showing off his ripped little body, he was the life and style of the par-tay.
Of course there was other gossip from that night, but we're not going to go there right now.
So, as Mr D. to the sexy Trotter leaves us, and moves on to more whorishly disgraceful yet scandalously classy endevors, GOOD LUCK QUEEN and let that chain hang low!

Turns out call boy is rent boy!

Josh Parasite Hilton took a trip yesterday, to visit one of his many lovers. Rumored to be going somewhere where cock is involved, Parasite packed his bags and is returning Saturday.
Not having enough cock over the weekend, slutbag decided to take his crabs somewhere else. We'll probably see pictures of him and Blohan, Paris and Nicky style, with baginas all pressed up on each other, spreading their nastiness. Speaking of Paris and Blohan, I'm no gossip, but I hear they left together...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Family dinner ends up with pants unbuttoned

So turns out Rhyanne "I eat two dinners" AnorexiaRichie was seen at the calf tonight eating enough food to feed 18 small african children for a month. Table including Emily "I eat one dinner but encourage Rhyanne to eat more" AnorexiaRichie, Jami "Poosh" AnorexiaRichie, Maggie "I eat 3 pieces of lettuce and 18 cookies" AnorexiaRichie, Sean "Swiper" AnorexiaRichie and Stephan "Gossip Queen" racked up a total of 72 plates of food.
All of them were seen leaving the calf with buttons to pants unbuttoned and carrying 3 bananas each, and we all know those fruits aren't going to be eaten but end up like the device purchased at the yard sale and found in a bathtub the next morning covered in orange juice . Ooooowkkay.

Fauxmauxs and the like

We're no gossips but, it was recently brought to our attention that a certain fauxmaux freshman was seen having lunch with our own BSU ammy porn star today at the UC. The fauxmaux is often seen cavorting with a female friend but that doesn't mean anything dahlings. She's totally a beard. With all the talk of Christian's lending a hand, I don't think they meant fists! Ohhkay. Ohhkay.

Monday, December 11, 2006

This Just In, Dahlings.

I'm no gossip, but...We've just recently heard a juicy tidbit from a very reputable source. Apparently, walking in our midsts, there's a very closeted Xtian on campus that has dabbled a bit in amateur porn. Again, we don't name names dahling--well, in most cases--but let's just say that the boy should keep his fucking day job. Ohhwwkay. Awwlso. Awwlso. We hear he's had a few very kinky trysts in the area. No fisting jokes, please.

The moral of the story, dahlings, is this: if you want to do a goddamn ammy-porn, DO NOT DO IT FROM A LOCALLY-BASED COMPANY. Ohhhwwkayy.

Stevie All Coked Out and Speaking in Tongues

Read the comment dahlings!

Rhyanne that fat bitch part two

It was recently heard that Rhyanne when asked to come to dinner replied with, "I have no meal plan, duh, and Walsh isn't anywhere to be found. Also, I ate all his meals, he has like five left." Maybe she should resort to stuffing herself with cock like last night with her DP porno.

Josh Parasite Hilton - Call Boy?

So it's been heard, Josh Parasite Hilton, Queen Bitch of the Grind is a slut. Hilton was seen having a threesome outside the Daily Grind yesterday with Rhyanne "I eat two dinners" Richie and an unknown male. Hilton was also seen, trashed as shit outside Jefferson Hall Saturday with friend Jamie "I have curly hair" Blohan, laying in the grass in 20 degree weather too drunk to move. The two missed liquor and lingerie, social event of the season, and stayed at home drinking until they passed out in a pool of their own mother liquor.
The trashy hoe was seen yesterday outside Tucker Hall chainsmoking and text messaging one of his boytoys/pimps while throwing sticks at disabled people.


We're no gawsips, but.

Apparently, a certain off-campus housing facility had a major run-in with the po-po ovah the course of Blowout weekend. We won't drop any names, dahling, but let's say there was some major stash to be found and possible deportation involved. HATE IT. Where will the gawsip Queens go for a good time now?

Oh my gawd, it's like buttah

I'm no gossip, but I heard that Rhyanne Anorexarichie, that fat bitch who ate two dinners, also was part of a DP porno last night at the Grind. Two guys, one moist cunt. It's bettah than Bawbrah.


I'm no gossip, but I hear that that fat bitch Rhyanne Anorexarichie ate two dinners the other day. Not only that, but she stole someone's card, swiped herself in at the Calf (Baby cow for her fatness) and then went to the UC and ate again! What a whore.

Welcome one and all...

To the fabulous world of William and Mary gossip. Stay tuned for all the nitty gritty dirt on all your friends!