Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Famed model finally graduating?

The rumors are true- Mr. D to the sexy Trotter is finally graduating. The little bundle of spice is finally leaving the college after 5 and a half years. He will truly be missed like Star Jones misses her fat.
Seen this weekend at Liquor and Lingerie, looking FIERCE, and dancing with whores Emily, Jami, and Rhyanne (who couldn't keep their hands off him), Mr D to the Sexy was the one to watch. In skimpy underwear, showing off his ripped little body, he was the life and style of the par-tay.
Of course there was other gossip from that night, but we're not going to go there right now.
So, as Mr D. to the sexy Trotter leaves us, and moves on to more whorishly disgraceful yet scandalously classy endevors, GOOD LUCK QUEEN and let that chain hang low!

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