Thursday, February 28, 2008

At the Behest of Dolce and Gabbana

Hello little darlings of cyberspace! I know I've been kind of MIA in the blogosphere this and last semester but classes have been a bitch. That's not to say, however, that I've not been keeping up on my gossip. And let me tell you, it is fierce.

Firstly, let's talk about fierce. I mean, I love mah gurl Christian from PR and think she is a visionary designer, but I'll be daaaaaaaamned is she is going to be credited with bringing 'fierce' into FEV. That's Faggot English Vernacular for those not in the know.

Secondly, that piece of trash (we all know who this is), got drunk at a party and slapped the Queen of Gossip herself. You know I was pissed and snatched that busted weave.

Thirdly, Dolce and Gabbana informs me that Triple Digits has been linked to a certain alias-prone Z-List actor. We're not surprised. I mean, honestly, at this rate, he's already got Moore's Law fucked all to hell. Not unlike certain parts of his anatomy...

Forget the ordinal adverbs. Certain campus closet homos (in various states of coming out) have taken to posting on the E-Harmony for trailer trash, craigslist. Namely, a certain White Horse Cock. I mean, everyone already knows who he is. And let us tell you, his name is very fitting.

Ok, so, that's all I'm going to post for now, but stay tuned. I promise more regular updates and when you end up being "That Dumb Bitch" at the party, we're watching.

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