Monday, December 11, 2006

This Just In, Dahlings.

I'm no gossip, but...We've just recently heard a juicy tidbit from a very reputable source. Apparently, walking in our midsts, there's a very closeted Xtian on campus that has dabbled a bit in amateur porn. Again, we don't name names dahling--well, in most cases--but let's just say that the boy should keep his fucking day job. Ohhwwkay. Awwlso. Awwlso. We hear he's had a few very kinky trysts in the area. No fisting jokes, please.

The moral of the story, dahlings, is this: if you want to do a goddamn ammy-porn, DO NOT DO IT FROM A LOCALLY-BASED COMPANY. Ohhhwwkayy.


Anonymous said...

i know the name

Anonymous said...

is his name the same name as a dirty sex act, because ummmm....., i kind of called him out on the porn.

the outing matriarch